The care and protection of our natural environment is one of our primary commitments and outlined in our Environmental Policy.

We are certified to the international environmental management systems ISO 14001.
We are proud to be among the leaders in recycling of existing asphalt surfaces for further roading use as part of our sustainability program.
We released an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for Higgins’ asphalt products – a first in the New Zealand roading industry. An EPD tells the environmental story of a product over its life cycle, is science-based and independently verified. The EPD covers 99.5% of Higgins asphalt products produced at their permanent plants in New Zealand, covering the life cycle stages of sourcing and transporting raw materials, product manufacture, and end-of-life options.
sustainability greentank
Higgins green bitumen tank

We continue to look for ways to protect the environment.

Higgins green bitumen tank

We continue to look for ways to protect the environment. We recently completed corrosion protection maintenance on one of our bitumen tanks in Napier Port and painted it a darker colour, as recommended in the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) Energy Transition Accelerator programme. We made the tank ‘Higgins green” to help further reduce the carbon emissions of our already energy efficient bitumen plant.

sustainability plantbasedbitumen
Biogenic (plant based) bitumen

As a successful applicant to the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Hoe ki angitu Innovation Fund, Higgins is exploring the wider use of biogenic (plant-based) bitumen for building asphalt and chip seal ...

Biogenic (plant based) bitumen

As a successful applicant to the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Hoe ki angitu Innovation Fund, Higgins is exploring the wider use of biogenic (plant-based) bitumen for building asphalt and chip seal pavements.

Adding plant-based biogenic components to binders used in bitumen can help decarbonize road construction by capturing an increasing amount of carbon in road surfaces or other asphalt-based products as they are recycled and reused over time.

Higgins is hopeful of a successful development in this area, which will extend our contribution towards the Fletcher Construction roadmap for a 30% reduction in carbon emissions and a sustainable future "for generations to come".

sustainability plantbasedbitumen
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Community planting at Auraki Stream road retreat

Our Higgins Manawatu team recently celebrated progress on a major road repair by holding a community planting day.

Community planting at Auraki Stream road retreat
Our Higgins Manawatu team recently celebrated progress on a major road repair by holding a community planting day.
In 2015, a cyclone caused major damage near Raetihi. Higgins has done a number of repairs in the area, and the ‘Auraki Stream road retreat’ is the final piece of the puzzle.
Project Manager Regan Hunt has been working on the retreat project since November 2021. He says the Green Team’s done a lot of work with iwi to design and execute the project. “When we started planting, the iwi suggested we included the local community and kura, so we organised a community planting day. We started the event by talking through the project, then we did a karakia, got planting, and held a BBQ at the end. We arranged some supervised time with some of our machinery for the kids – and some of the adults too!”
The event was attended by children from Aberfeldy School, Kakatahi School and Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngāti Rangi, as well as representatives from Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, Beca, Mills Albert Limited, and project partners Ngāti Rangi, Uenuku and Te Korowai o te Awaiti.
latestnews asphalt products
Environmental Product Declaration on asphalt products

Higgins has released an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for Higgins’ asphalt products – a first in the New Zealand roading industry.

Environmental Product Declaration on asphalt products

Higgins has released an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for Higgins’ asphalt products – a first in the New Zealand roading industry. An EPD tells the environmental story of a product over its life cycle, is science-based and independently verified. The EPD covers 99.5% of Higgins asphalt products produced at their permanent plants in New Zealand, covering the life cycle stages of sourcing and transporting raw materials, product manufacture, and end-of-life options.

To get the EPD, Higgins had to provide energy, waste, water and material data covering production for one year.

Sustainability and Environmental Manager Orla Gallagher says the information is increasingly being requested by customers, who need to work out how using the products affects their own impact on the environment. “EPDs are an internationally-recognised format that customers know they can trust. It’s also a useful tool for us, as it gives us a baseline to work from as we improve our own environmental performance.”

Sitting alongside the EPD, Higgins has a carbon calculator tool to provide customers with a total embodied carbon amount for asphalt mixes covered in the EPD.

Click here to view the EPD.

latestnews asphalt products
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Remote control roller
Remote control roller

We’re using a remote control roller in our work to repair one of the major slips in Coromandel (McBeth-Opoutere). We’ve built a retaining wall to support the road above, backfilled it, and the roller has just finished levelling.

The remote control roller is used in areas where we need to flatten ground near any steep drop-offs. This means if something did go wrong and the roller tipped off the edge, none of our people would be hurt in the process.

sustainability hybridvehicles
Hybrid vehicles

A few years ago, talking construction workers into hybrids was a tough sell.

Hybrid vehicles

A few years ago, talking construction workers into hybrids was a tough sell. Now, we can’t order them fast enough! 

We are smashing through our annual targets for replacing our fully petrol and diesel cars, with a final goal of having 100% of our light fleet hybrid or electric by 2026. The only thing holding us back is delays getting them into the country. Hitting our hybrid goals is all part of our overall aim of a 30% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030.

Higgins National Bitumen Operations Manager Sean Bearsley recently traded his 2.2L diesel for a Hybrid Rav 4 and says the two cars are practically identical. “There’s nothing I can’t do in the new car that I could do in my diesel," he says. It’s taken a bit to get used to the quieter motor though. "A few times I’ve forgotten to turn it off when I get out because it’s so quiet!”

Sean says there used to be a stigma about the hybrid options, but he’s noticed that’s changed significantly in the past few years.

sustainability hybridvehicles
sustainability etruck

Higgins Christchurch has rolled out their FUSO eCanter electric truck as part of the City Council’s initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


Higgins Christchurch has rolled out their FUSO eCanter electric truck as part of the City Council’s initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Christchurch City Council Resource Efficiency Manager Kevin Crutchley says that with transport making up the majority of the district’s emissions, it was critical to find a path towards zero-exhaust emission trucks, in addition to battery electric passenger cars.

Sean Dowling, Higgins Southern Area Manager, says it's been a privilege to learn about the team's initiative and to discuss it with other companies too. “It’s great to see our business playing our part with our partners TR and FUSO trucks.”

sustainability etruck
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